Course_TitleHuman Growth & Dev
DescriptionThis course examines the physical$ cognitive$ social and emotional development of human beings from conception to death. Students will learn about theories of development$ key issues in the field and apply research in developmental psychology throughout the prenatal$ infancy$ childhood$ adolescence and adulthood periods of the lifespan. (3 hr. lecture)
PrerequisitePrerequisite: None; Corequisite: None
Instructor -
Requirements All Virtual College courses require high-speed internet access. Microsoft Office applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are required. Currently For ease of use when accessing either LMS, both PC and MAC users must use Mozilla Firefox as the default browser. Your course may appear to be functioning correctly in other browsers but some tools, assignments and assessments may not work in these other browsers. Don’t let your course work be affected by the wrong browser.
Florida Resident Distance Learning FeeVC Course Total
Non Florida ResidentDistance Learning FeeVC Course Total
* There are no additional student charges associated with verification of student identification.
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DEP2000    2000   Credit    3   -